This book has a compilation of 30 funny stories/jokes from different origins. These jokes and funny stories are written in present tense with simple vocabulary, simple grammatical forms, and plenty of repetition: perfect for level 2!
Every story has a list of optional questions:
- Preguntas de comprensión - To check how well the student understood the text.
- Usa tu imaginación - For the students to create their own stories.
- Preguntas sobre la historia
- Preguntas personales
easy-to-read jokes with no more than 100 to 150 total words each.
each joke is illustrated with a comical drawing that helps with comprehension.
each joke is accompanied by a vocabulary list.
Information for teachers
The personal questions are perfect to stimulate the students to express their opinion and use the context of the story to talk about themselves. Furthermore, these jokes and funny stories are a great opportunity for picture talk, reader’s theater and more.
This book can be read just for the pleasure of reading it or to complement other ways of acquiring Spanish. It can be part of a course, or it can be something separate. Whether this book is used in this way or some other way, reading it will allow Spanish students to become more deeply familiar with many characteristics of Spanish and to do so without necessarily paying attention to vocabulary and grammatical usage.
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*All books and novels are copyright protected, which means that copying this book for use in your classroom is not permitted.